A SPITFIRE carrying the names of our lockdown heroes will fly over Newport today as it pays tribute to the NHS.

The "Thank U NHS" Spitfire will glide over the Royal Gwent at 3.35pm before heading to Chepstow Community Hospital, where it is due at 3.40pm.

The aircraft is flying from the Midlands, down to South East England and finally South Wales to thank the NHS for their work during the coronavirus pandemic.

People had been asked for nominations for names of loved ones they wanted to see painted onto the body of the plane.

The process is raising money for NHS Charities Together as a way of recognising small acts of kindness throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.


Some 80,000 names could be displayed on the Spitfire, with the company's aim to lift the spirits of those across the UK, many of whom are still living in some form of isolation.

“The response to our initial flight over the last 8pm #clapforourcarers Thursday was incredibly humbling, with hundreds of people from the local community sharing how wonderful it was to not only see the Spitfire, but also to read the message emblazoned across its wings," said John Romain, founder and managing director of Aircraft Restoration Company.

"After such a positive response we decided to leave the message painted on the Spitfire for the rest of the flying season, and this is where the idea to hand write the names of the nation’s loved ones onto the aircraft to raise money for the NHS Charities Together began.”

The aircraft will take off at 2pm at Cotswolds Airport, before going to the Great Western Hospital in Swindon, Chippenham Hospital at 2.12pm, Trowbridge Hospital at 2.16pm, Royal United Hospital Bath, Southmead Hospital, Bristol Royal Infirmary for 2.27pm, Yeovil District Hospital, Musgrove Park Hospital, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital for 2.53pm, North Devon District, Morriston Hospital Swansea for 3.18pm, University Hospital Cardiff for 3.30pm, the Royal Gwent at 3.35pm, Chepstow for 3.40pm back to the Cotswolds.