A SEX pest assaulted a young woman on a crowded bus after he followed her home and told her “let’s have a bit of fun”.

Bradley Walker was 17 when he attacked his victim in Cwmbran.

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Prosecutor David Pinnell said the defendant sexually assaulted the teenager in the Pontypool area later on the same day in March 2019.

He told Newport Crown Court how they had got on a bus at Cwmbran bus station before he said to her: "Let’s have a bit of fun."

Mr Pinnell added: “He followed her on the bus. The bus was full of passengers.”

Walker carried out the assault by grabbing the woman’s genitalia.

Mr Pinnell read out her victim impact statement in which she described the effect of Walker’s offending on her.

She said: “My confidence has taken a knock about meeting and trusting new people.”

Walker, now aged 20, of Central Drive, Blackpool, pleaded guilty to three counts of sexual touching without consent.

Sharon Watson, mitigating, said: “The defendant has been sick with worry about the outcome of this case.

“He is very sorry. He said, ‘I will never do this again'.”

Judge Daniel Williams told Walker: “Your victim made it clear that your attention was unwanted.”

He sentenced the defendant to a three-year community order.

Walker must attend 27 sessions of the Horizon sex offender programme, complete a 30-day rehabilitation activity requirement and pay an £85 surcharge.