A VAPE shop in Gwent has been ordered to close for three months after it was found illegally selling vapes to children.

Pink Lady Vape in Victoria Street, Old Cwmbran, was also found selling vapes which did not comply with product standards, an investigation by Torfaen Council's Trading Standards Team found.

On Thursday, February 1, a hearing took place at Newport Magistrates’ Court, and after considering evidence from Trading Standards Officers, a closure order was granted to prevent further criminal and anti-social behaviour occurring within the area.     

The order prohibits access to the premises, except by prior arrangement and specific written agreement from the council.

Breaching a closure order is a criminal offence and could result in imprisonment for a period of three months, an unlimited fine, or both.

The council's head of public protection and environmental services Daniel Morelli said: “A closure order is a fast and flexible power that can be used by Trading Standards to close premises which are being used, or likely to be used, to commit crime or anti-social behaviour.”

“Illegal vapes do not meet product standards and have been known to contain harmful substances and chemicals, which could be damaging to health, particularly children.”

“The council’s Trading Standards Team are responsible for enforcing a range of legislation governing the sale of goods, and will take robust action to protect the public and legitimate businesses from risks of harm.”

“I would urge anyone with concerns about shops selling vapes illegally to contact the council’s Trading Standards Team.”

Protecting children, as well as the wider community, from harmful substances and products supports the council’s county plan by championing children, young people and families, so they can thrive. Read more about the county plan here

Anyone with information about the sale of illegal tobacco or vapes can contact the Torfaen Trading Standards team on 01633 647623 or e-mail trading.standards@torfaen.gov.uk