A new play facility has opened in Pontypool.

Located at the Civic Centre and administered by Torfaen County Borough Council's Play Service, 'Civic Play' offers a range of activities.

Families with children under the age of 11 can access Lego clubs, disability groups, dad’s groups, family play, dad's groups and the young carers play club.

The centre also provides a creche service for parents attending training in the building.

"Civic Play" is situated on the first floor of the Civic Centre and operates during specific times throughout the week.

Eligibility for the service requires referral through networks such as Families First or Torfaen Early Years; however, self-referrals are also accepted by contacting torfaenplay@torfaen.gov.uk.

Cllr Richard Clark, the executive member for children, families, and education, said, "This is the first time the council has offered this kind of service at Civic Centre and it forms part of an expansion of play provisions already being offered across the county borough.

"These provisions are a key part of our county plan's wellbeing objectives."

Families seeking more information about the services offered and their times may reach out to the Torfaen Play Service on 01495 742951 or visit the Torfaen Council website.