People in Monmouthshire, including the mayor of Monmouth, have joined forces in solidarity with mothers in Turkey.

Roughly 30 members and friends of the Amnesty Monmouthshire Group assembled on Monnow Bridge last Saturday to show support for the Saturday Mothers of Galatasaray Square in Istanbul.

This group of mothers has been hosting weekly vigils, demanding justice for their loved ones - husbands, sons and other relatives - who disappeared in police custody in the 80s and 90s.

This past Saturday saw the mothers hold their 1,000th vigil.

The Monmouthshire group, bearing placards in English and Turkish in the sunshine, voiced their backing for human rights and the right to protest.

Their banner, emblazoned with the Amnesty International logo, carried the message "Solidarity with the Saturday Mothers".

At the heart of the gathering was a speech by Councillor David Evans, the newly elected mayor of Monmouth.

Cllr Evans said: "As mayor of Monmouth I send my very best wishes to you, the Saturday Mothers, on the day of your 1,000th vigil.

"I greatly admire your courage, commitment and persistence.

"On behalf of the town of Monmouth I wish you strength and every success in your struggle."

The words of Mayor Evans were seen far afield, as a video of his speech and images of the event were picked up and shared widely in Turkey.

Notably, Amnesty International Turkey, the Saturday Mothers themselves, and many Turkish citizens retweeted the coverage, along with the Turkish newspaper, TURKUAZ News.