THE PARKING problem in Monmouth is to be audited by the local authority.

But town councillors believe that their concerns are not being taken seriously enough at the higher level.

Visitors to the town have been spotted this week driving around various car parks, and when they are unable to find a space they are seen leaving - losing the town valuable income.

At Monmouth town council's meeting on Monday, Cllr Sarah James said: "The lengthy plan for an audit does not take into consideration our urgency over this problem."

Giles Howard, Monmouthshire County Council's cabinet member for highways and transport told the council in a letter that they would undertake to improve car park signage around the town.

He said: "The department will investigate the possibility of extending the flexibility of residents' parking permit zones

"We anticipate the audit will occur in stages, with the first being completed before the year end."

The town council and other organisations had already reported on a location behind the Queen's Head pub that could be made into a car park.

Cllr Mandy Russell said: "Let's lobby for parking to be created at the top end of town as the cost of running a park and ride scheme is going to be prohibitive.

"There is a perfect area behind the Queen's Head public house which would create around 90 spaces."