THE FIRST steps to establish a permanent radio station for the Monmouthshire community is one step closer to becoming a reality. Initial research suggests that local people were fully behind last summer's first trial broadcast of Monmouth Local Radio's during the summer.

And with over half of the available shares in Monmouthshire Local Radio already being snapped up local people can look forward to a second trial broadcast in the near future.

Local financial adviser Drewe Lacey is putting together a board of directors from interested local people who work in the business world, media and the arts.

Local people are being invited to become part of the consortium of local individuals hoping to take this project forward.

A meeting has been arranged at the Green Dragon, in St Thomas' Square on Tuesday, December 6, at 6pm for all potential investors.

Next year a second professional market research project will be undertaken to establish what type of programming local people would prefer.

Information from the two surveys will be used to persuade Ofcom, the industry's regulators, to put Monmouthshire on the working list for new radio stations.

Once the regulators agree with the local campaigners a permanent radio station can really start to become a reality for Monmouthshire.