GARNTEG Primary School has been praised by a recent Estyn Inspection. The school in Garndiffaith, is one of the first schools in Wales to be inspected under a new inspection framework and it is very pleased with the results.

Some of the main findings from the report outlined that pupils achieve high standards whilst at the school and pupils are equipped for the next stage of their learning when moving into secondary education.

The school were given "excellent sector leading practice" for ICT skills and their recording studio, which is the highest achievement they could have been given.

A few nursery children are able to use the digital camera whilst older pupils are involved in the running of the recording studio and create video presentations. They use cameras, sound and lighting controls,editing procedures and computers to a high level.

The head teacher, Susan Roche, is very happy with the report, which was undertaken at the end of September 2010.

She said: "I am extremely pleased with the inspection report it reflects all of the efforts and high standards set by the school, governing body and our community working together.

"The school is very proud of its pupils and all partners that support the school so well to achieve these results."