DEMOLITION work on the remains of the infant building at Chepstow's Thornwell Primary School will begin in just over one week's time, Monmouthshire council says.

It is just over a month since the devastating blaze, which ripped through the Bulwark site in the early hours of June 3.

Firefighters were called to tackle the flames at around 1am, which gutted the infants building and nursery unit, destroying pupils’ work and educational facilities.

Pupils have been able to return to school as demountable buildings were set up in the aftermath of the fire, to make up for the space lost.

The parent's car park was closed and a temporary play area put in its place, while the younger pupils have shared the junior building's toilets and hall.

Since the fire, the burnt buildings have been sectioned off, and headteacher Linda Davies said looking at it daily has been a 'sad reminder' of the night so much hard work was destroyed.

"There was an awful lot of heritage that went up in flames that night. It will be good to see it pulled down now as it is such a sad reminder," she said.

But despite the difficulties they have faced, Mrs Davies said the children have been 'amazing', coming to terms with such a big loss.

"The pupils have been wonderful and it's amazing how they have dealt with it. And the local community, words can't describe how we feel, how they have supported us," she added.

A spokesman for Monmouthshire council confirmed demolition work will commence on July 22, lasting for approximately three weeks.

"Following on from that we will take delivery of the new demountable classrooms which will be where the infant building was. It is anticipated that this work will be completed by the end of the summer holidays," he said.

"Design discussions for the replacement building have commenced with all parties fully engaged."