CHEPSTOW Boxing Club’s head coach is facing a tough year ahead but is hoping recent offers of help will help ease the pressure.

The Free Press highlighted the club’s problem a few weeks ago when Woods feared the popular club might be forced to close after three coaches decided to retire or go travelling in November this year.

Since his appeal for help to run the club, Woods, whose wife Rachel is ill, has been heartened by the response.

“I’ve got one of the boxer’s dad, who has boxed himself, doing one course and Pat Mullane is going to do it too,” he said.

“I’ve got another guy - a ringside judge - who is also interested in doing  a course and I’ve got another one of my older boxers interested. 

“The trouble is it costs about £600 to get them through enough courses from start to finish so they can take lads to shows and be in their corner without me being there and we simply don’t have enough funds to cover all this.. 

“I’ve got one of the mums trying to find grants we may be eligible for and I’ll also be speaking to our sponsor.

“ I’ve got a show booked at the end of November so hopefully we’ll make a profit then as well, 

“I know I’m in for a tough year but I’ll do what I can to get through.”

It’s not all been doom and gloom however as another young boxer made a much admired appearance at the Pantside Show on Friday.

“Oliver, our youngest carded boxer, took on Alfie Creese who boxes for the Pantside club. 

“Vaughan started very fast and the ref stepped in towards the end of the round to give a standing count to Creese. 

“Round two was much the same with another standing count being given to Creese . 

“Round three was closer but by this time,  Vaughan was way out in front. 

The judges were unanimous with their decision awarding Vaughan the win. 

“The win was a good pick-me-up . Oliver was fantastic I think he’s got a bright future if I guide him right and get him the right bouts.

“This was a great start to the new season and I very much look forward to seeing Vaughan box again soon.”